Single code base with different build configurations
Don't make more versions of your source code. Rather than add more code bases, fix the underlying design problem that is preventing you from running from »
Theoretically this article should not exist, but sometimes Apple services work beyond anyone's imagination. If you ever received iTunes Connect's status changed mail. You may notice »
TL;DR Convert Localizable.strings to UTF-8 Set Convert Copied Files to YES Set Strings file Output Encoding to UTF-16 UTF-16 ".strings" Files Note: It is »
When writing an iOS application, it's too frequently we wait until event has sent, e.g., async operation has finished, network request has responded, view has »
Your Alcatraz and Xcode plugins disappeared each time you upgrade your Xcode huh? That's because Apple trying to prevent Xcode plugin is incompatible with new Xcode, »
... cannot merge previous GCDA file: corrupt arc tag (0x00000000) ... cannot merge previous GCDA file: corrupt arc tag (0x00000000) ... cannot merge previous GCDA file: corrupt arc tag »
If you are an iOS programmer, you must had set breakpoints at dealloc method to check is this object leaked. huh? Memory leaks can be harmful, »
Being an iOS developer for 3 years, this post reveals how do I become an iOS Developer and what I've learned. Books (iOS) Books (General) Books »
If you had a ScrollView as root view of UIViewController, you might see your layouts deranged when view size changing (rotating). If you don't have this »
When device rotating, UICollectionView needs to recalculate the insets of cells for new bounds in most case. [UICollectionView reloadData] is the simplest way to do it, »
Don't make more versions of your source code. Rather than add more code bases, fix the underlying design problem that is preventing you from running from »