synx, an awesome command line tools for Xcode developers
I used to create virtual groups without the actual folder in my Xcode project. Without the folders, it's hard to locate files if I'm not using »
I used to create virtual groups without the actual folder in my Xcode project. Without the folders, it's hard to locate files if I'm not using »
Update new post talks about UITableView dynamic height with AutoLayout UITableViewCell dynamic height with AutoLayout conclusion We all know iOS 8 introduced auto-sizing tableview cell What's »
In this part of tutorial, I am going build a simple player interface with HysteriaPlayer. The simple interface with those basic views and elements. Play, Pause, »
In this part of tutorial, I am going to write an iOS application that plays remote audios with functions we listed at last post. And will »
What we want? We do want to stream remote audio file on our iOS device. It should have common functions that a standard Player will be »
Say it openly, since I started iOS development I have used ARC. Here are questions: 1. Is @autoreleasepool really matters when ARC enabled? 2. Doesn't ARC »
First, disable UITextView's scrollable. Two options: 1. uncheck Scrolling Enabled in .xib. 2. [TextView setScrollEnabled:NO]; Create a UITextView and connect it with IBOutlet (TextView). Add »
ref: RAYWENDERLICH's Core Data Migration tutorial Core Data’s Lightweight migration is a great feature, use it whenever possible. RestKit is sitting on top of Core »
Xcode plug-ins ColorSense With this plug-in, don't have to hard-code UIColor by colorWithRed: green: blue: alpha: method again. Plugin for Xcode to make working with colors »
I spend a lot of time to figure it out how to test UIViewController. Notes here: UIViewController didn't load when initiated UIStoryboard *storyboard =[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" »