Multiple GoogleService-Info.plist during iOS preprocessing
If you ever integrate Firebase, it needs GoogleService-Info.plist file as configuration. What if you have multiple target or scheme that targeting on multiple Firebase project? »
If you ever integrate Firebase, it needs GoogleService-Info.plist file as configuration. What if you have multiple target or scheme that targeting on multiple Firebase project? »
Making a native app, publish it on app stores. That's it? Is there anything we can do to reach audience or enhance mobile user's experience? Rather »
I've encountered a weird bug that a java.nio.buffer which is returned by asReadOnlyBuffer() method, could randomly 8 bits shift on get() result (mostly it's »
NSURLProtocol is commonly used on request logging. Unlike the normal pattern, this article is about intercepting URI Scheme-based deep linking URL request and provide corresponding URL »
I've found an awesome app AppWage. Somebody should have told me earlier, we all know that iTunes Connect's information is scattered and the web page's response »
Core Data has been highly improved and can be considered generally good in iOS 10. Core Data stack. I believe many developers experienced really bad pain »
Rather than setting layer's corner radius: image.layer.cornerRadius = 20; image.layer.masksToBounds = YES; You should perform drawing, this is more efficient. This is my code »
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ may contains lots directories, each directory had massive size about 1.8G. If you ever develop on device with new iOS »
Create a new Run Script Phase in your target's Build Phase TAGS="TODO:|FIXME:" echo "searching ${SRCROOT} for ${TAGS}" find "${SRCROOT}" \( -name "*.swift" \) -print0 | xargs -0 »
I made a service that imitating LaunchKit review monitor - JonSnow Crawling Google Play reviews and send latest reviews into your slack channel. Host JonSnow on »