Draggable view controller? Interactive view controller!
Update 2015.11.19 lots people says shut up and show me the code. Demo project 2019.02.21 Community Contributors' projects: Swift version by ostathnicky »
Update 2015.11.19 lots people says shut up and show me the code. Demo project 2019.02.21 Community Contributors' projects: Swift version by ostathnicky »
I had lots of UIViewController they ends up by pushing another UIViewController. That's say I had a AUIViewController it would push BUIViewController by MyUINavigationController. When writing »
This article is been deprecated New version of this topic goes to http://imnotyourson.com/unit-tests-that-avoid-memory-leaks/ »
You wrote unit tests, you easily lose yourself to the coverage rate frenzy. Test what you should test is more important than coverage rate. Xcoverage Xcode »
Recently I set up a continuous integration service for my iOS project. There are a couple of hosted continuous integration tool(server) options for me: 1. »
Before I've post Table View Cell Dynamic Height With AutoLayout for iOS 7 later last month, however been using this technique for a month since then, »
When contents inside UIScrollView been trimmed away by flat edges, it looks looks weird on blurred view. All we need to do is customize mask layer »
Create a gradient background view with drawrect: function referenced from Gradients on UIView and UILabels On iPhone [duplicate] Answer, but I was about to create the »
Create your NSArray category and do so. NSArray shuffle NSArray group by »