Upgrading and Releasing New Pod Versions on CocoaPods
I assume you’ve already maintained a pod and are the author of it. If not, you should start here: Getting setup with Trunk. I don’ »
I assume you’ve already maintained a pod and are the author of it. If not, you should start here: Getting setup with Trunk. I don’ »
Current situation It takes 30 seconds for decoding a mp3 (file size: 4 MB, bit rate: 128 kbps, length: 4 minutes) file to PCM using MediaExtractor »
Personally I'm not a huge fan of UI Tests, but in some cases it's the only solution for us to test essential functions of our app. »
I'm using Jekyll, and Jekyll's post needed a date time for metadata like below, it would be better if we have a shorthand for date time »
We can symbolicate crash reports with two options: with straightforward dwarfdump with interactive atos symbolicate with dwarfdump 0. prepare the crash report You gotta carry it. »
Let's say we want our apple-app-site-association rules to match only <domain>/anypath/ but not matching any more additional URL components based on it (such »
source 'https://cdn.cocoapods.org/' platform :ios, :deployment_target => '11.0' inhibit_all_warnings! project 'your_project_name', 'Variant Debug' => :debug, 'Variant Release' »
Before all, calm down and think thoroughly If you're trying to decode JSON nested heterogeneous item on Codable, you may probably want to do it with »
NSNotification name has evolved from Objective-C's plain NSString type to a dedicated Notification.Name type, which is succinct and intuitive. My project is still in the »
Whatever Gif is the old or new sexy. You needed it anyhow. Dependencies and Prerequisites: ffmpeg imagemagick Use Homebrew or any other package manager to install »